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Carl Bosch has relished 41 years of adolescent warfare as an educator and middle school guidance counselor in the public school system. Through his Parenting Program lecture series he brings his experience to bear on adolescent issues, with a focus on parent-child communication. His lectures offer concrete information and practical tactics you can use immediately on real world problems.

Recent Lectures Include:


Fairfield, CT Children's Library: Pathways to Parenting

"Behind the Scenes at Our Schools"

What goes on in the hallways, cafeterias and playgrounds of Fairfield's schools that your kids might not talk about? Bill Bosch, a guidance counselor in local schools for nearly four decades, will offer behind-the-scenes perspectives.

Total Learning and Therapy Center - Trumbull, CT
"10 Pointers for Parents"

Bosch combines anecdotes and educational theory to provide parents with simple solutions they can apply at home


Fairfield, CT Children's Library: Pathways to Parenting
"Kids and Bullying – Pointers for Parents"
Author and middle school guidance counselor Bill Bosch will detail how bullying can begin, what parents can do when their child is involved in a bullying incident, and how it affects everyone in the family. Bill will also discuss other pointers for parents.

Total Learning and Therapy Center - Trumbull, CT
"What to do about Bullying"
Carl Bosch, public school educator, essayist, author and Fulbright Scholar discusses strategies for parents to deal with bullying.





Canuel, Greg. "Counselor Arms Fairfield Parents Against Bullying" The Daily Fairfield (February 18, 2011) 

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