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Carl Bosch has written ever since being the sports editor of his high school newspaper.  His essays, short stories and articles have appeared in diverse publications including The New York Times, Cricket, Hartford Courant Magazine, and Marriage & Family.  As a middle school guidance counselor with 41 years experience, Mr. Bosch has written extensively on parenting and child-rearing issues.  Parenting Press of Seattle, WA published two of his “decision-is-yours” books written for young readers.   “Bully On The Bus” and “Making the Grade” have sold over 60,000.  Both have been reprinted in Chinese.  As the author of “Bully on the Bus” Mr. Bosch was chosen by the American Bookseller’s Association to attend the annual convention and sign copies of his work for attendees.  Appearing as an invited guest on the Sally Jesse Raphael show he discussed bullying.  Enslow Publishers of New Jersey published “Schools Under Siege” a non-fiction study of “guns, gangs and hidden dangers” in schools.  His monthly column “Millennium Parent” appeared across the country in over a dozen publications for eight years.  Mr. Bosch presents his parenting program, “Ten Pointers for Parents” to adults.


Embarking on new adventures, Mr. Bosch served as a Fulbright scholar in 2008 spending a month in schools throughout Scotland.  There he met with staff and presented programs, comparing and detailing the different educational experiences in Scotland and the U.S.  Mr. Bosch enjoys traveling, art, film and literature – and concerts of all kinds! 


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